
Softpaw winter fun
Softpaw winter fun

softpaw winter fun

"Wait really? How?" Skypaw said her hopes rising, Besides, I already know you're the cat who's going to do it." Softpaw said proudly lifting his head high, "I don't think Silverstar would let me go," She said sadly, "Well, that one condition is that they have to send over one of their warriors to meet with me by the border! And who better than you!" Softpaw exclaimed, Skypaw couldn't believe her ears, this could be her chance to prove herself! But then she remembered that it was doubtful Silverstar would choose her to go, she was useless, "I don't understand how this is so great?" Said Skypaw, "You'll never believe it! Well, it rather sucks because ThunderClan has an outbreak of green cough, so we asked Troutleap if we could borrow some herbs and she said yes! But under one condition." Skypaw looked at him confused, how was this a good thing? "What is it?" She asked eyes widening in curiosity, "Skypaw! Skypaw!" Softpaw called running over to her jumping up and down in excitement, he could always make her happy, Looking around she spotted her brother and sister, they were so much cooler than her, her sister Larkpaw was beautiful! And her brother Blazepaw, well he was the best fighter counting how young he was, Of cores she didn't love, love him, that's against the Warrior Code, and they both agreed to keep it like that, they were just good friends. But he was very energetic and always happy, to Skypaw, he was her only true friend. Softpaw was the medicine cat apprentice of ThunderClan, he wasn't exactly shy he was more fragile just not built to handle fighting or anything like that and like her, he didn't like fighting. But somehow it was one of her favorite things, which might have been because of her best friend Softpaw. Skypaw opened her eyes as she brushed through the brambles into the clearing, there are so many cats! Of cores, this wasn't her first name at a Gathering, but it was always super loud.

softpaw winter fun softpaw winter fun

This one is a story on how Skypaw getts her warrior name! I wrote this story but my friend helped me come up with the name! =^-^=

Softpaw winter fun